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The Denim Shirt | OOTD

The Denim Shirt | OOTD

The Denim Shirt Outfit british fashion blogger OOTD

The Denim Shirt Outfit british fashion blogger OOTD

The Denim Shirt Outfit british fashion blogger OOTD

This was a rather impromptu shoot, not an outfit that I had planned to photograph but we were killing time until sunset and I wandered in front of Lee’s camera as he was taking some shots so I thought I would just share with you what I wore for a bit of hiking that day which is why I don’t look too glamorous. 

We had started the walk up to the Lost Valley in Glen Coe but we weren’t sure about how far it was and didn’t have much water so we just went as far as we could in the very humid weather, which was just to where the path starts to go up and up and up. It was still lovely though and was when we shot a lot of the photos of my raincoat.

I always wear my docs for any hiking or mountain climbing we do as even though they still aren’t fully worn in and rub my heels a bit, they are by far the most sturdy shoes I own and mean that I can go stomping around without worrying about getting wet feet. I do wear my trainers on walks that I’m pretty sure won’t involve puddles though, like at the fairy pools. Sometimes you just have to be practical.

The Denim Shirt Outfit british fashion blogger OOTD
Denim shirt – I’m not sure but linked is one similar  |  Charcoal T Shirt – ASOS  |  Jeans – Forever 21  |  Boots – Dr Martens

The Denim Shirt Outfit british fashion blogger OOTD

The Denim Shirt Outfit british fashion blogger OOTD

The Denim Shirt Outfit british fashion blogger OOTD

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