The Corporeal is Simulated

Binaries are inherent. We are taught to live on the understanding of concepts based in binary opposition: you versus I, male versus female, tangible versus intangible, a series of opposing boundaries and constricting forces. But do binaries need to be exclusive?   

In The Corporeal is Simulated Tessa illustrates the interconnectedness and fluidity of binaries, demonstrating that they are not always opposing but frequently overlapping, intertwining, and becoming synchronised. The process of mordançage is used as a physical ‘simulation’ that alters reality by manipulating the materiality of the photographic print and mimicking the abstraction caused by digital glitches.  

Deconstructing the perceived oppositions of ‘virtual world’ and ‘real world’ helps to challenge traditional structures and hierarchies of power by highlighting the harmonious points of convergence between these realms.  

Tessa invites us to ask ourselves, what could society look like if the grey areas in between binaries were expanded and the world became less dependent on constrictive boundaries?  

This work hints at an answer: the corporeal is simulated; the human experience is a simulation, a composite of concepts, questions and thoughts, utterly unconstricted or contained. 

The work continues here.

The Corporeal is Simulated in exhibition