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A Day in Hay on Wye

A Day in Hay on Wye

hay on wye 35mm film photography

Hay on Wye is probably one of my very favourite places. It’s always so calming (even when the festival is on) and there’s always something to do (even when nothing is on). If you’ve been then you’ll probably understand what I mean. My two favourite places there are The Old Electric Shop and Richard Booth’s bookshop.

On this day trip, I decided to take some photos on 35mm film. I did want this post to be only film photos but alas there were a couple of things I wanted to share that I couldn’t take on film for one reason or another so there are a few digital snaps too. We started the day just wandering around to take some outfit photos (for next week’s post). And then had a look in some of the shops before we had some lunch.

The Old Electric do delicious food that’s also reasonably priced so we went there for lunch. They had actually stopped serving food when we got there but still gave us some anyway which was lovely. The soup of the day was red pepper, sweet potato and carrot (I think). I normally hate peppers, even the smell of them makes me want to vomit. But I was really in the mood for soup and bread. So I went for it anyway and despite the subtle taste of pepper it was the best soup and bread combination I’ve ever had. No joke. It was exactly what I had wanted. It definitely helped that the bread was a gorgeous soft, fresh rye.

As well as having a cafe, they also sell all manner of things from clothing to book and furniture and other homeware from a variety of brands and independent sellers. I love shops like that, there are so many lovely and quirky things in there. Another shop I really like is Flow, which also sells clothing and homeware.

It’s a great place to spend a day or an afternoon just strolling around, browsing books and shops. If you’ve never been then I strongly suggest you do. We go at least a few times a year and I’ve never gotten bored.

Let me know if you have been to Hay on Wye and what you like about it!

If you like this photo diary type post then you might like to see my post about the Isle of Skye.

hay on wye 35mm film photography hay on wye 35mm film photography hay on wye 35mm film photography hay on wye 35mm film photography hay on wye 35mm film photography hay on wye 35mm film photography hay on wye 35mm film photography hay on wye 35mm film photography hay on wye 35mm film photography hay on wye 35mm film photography hay on wye 35mm film photography hay on wye 35mm film photography hay on wye 35mm film photography hay on wye 35mm film photography

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