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Mapping My Way | OOTD

Mapping My Way | OOTD

long sleeve crop top black milk ancient maps bodycon dress big hipster glasses crystal necklace

long sleeve crop top black milk ancient maps bodycon dress big hipster glasses crystal necklace

long sleeve crop top black milk ancient maps bodycon dress big hipster glasses crystal necklace

long sleeve crop top black milk ancient maps bodycon dress big hipster glasses crystal necklace

long sleeve crop top black milk ancient maps bodycon dress big hipster glasses crystal necklace

long sleeve crop top black milk ancient maps bodycon dress big hipster glasses crystal necklace

long sleeve crop top black milk ancient maps bodycon dress big hipster glasses crystal necklace

long sleeve crop top black milk ancient maps bodycon dress big hipster glasses crystal necklace
Long Sleeve Crop Top (similar) – New Look  |  Barbour jacket – House of Fraser  |  Ancient Map Dress – Black Milk  |  Crystal Necklace* – Deal Sale    

long sleeve crop top black milk ancient maps bodycon dress big hipster glasses crystal necklace

I feel like such a nerd in my huge glasses but putting on a nice lipstick seems to make it more ‘chic’, is that just me? Also I didn’t realise how long my hair has gotten. I both love and loathe it simultaneously, I’ve been planning to cut it to a bob length in a few months time when it will hopefully have gotten a bit thicker and stronger but I will definitely miss the colour so I’m a bit unsure – what do you think?

This dress is an old love of mine, I’ve always had a thing for maps but not much love for colour so old maps are always much more pleasing to me than the classic blue and green. If I ever have the right space for it, I’d love to have one of those old giant globes in my house.

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