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To The Bat Cave | OOTD

To The Bat Cave | OOTD

vintage blouse layered summer outfit bloglovin h&m fashion blogger of the year

vintage blouse layered summer outfit bloglovin h&m fashion blogger of the year

vintage blouse layered summer outfit bloglovin h&m fashion blogger of the year

vintage blouse layered summer outfit bloglovin h&m fashion blogger of the year
Glasses – Firmoo  |  Shirt (similar) – Vintage  |  Dress – H&M  |  Shoes (similar) – Primark

vintage blouse layered summer outfit bloglovin h&m fashion blogger of the year

vintage blouse layered summer outfit bloglovin h&m fashion blogger of the year

vintage blouse layered summer outfit bloglovin h&m fashion blogger of the year

vintage blouse layered summer outfit bloglovin h&m fashion blogger of the year

Here’s a fun fact, this waterfall was used in The Dark Knight Rises as the cover of the bat cave, so I’m basically Batman now. Yes, Batman wears jelly shoes on the weekends. 

I feel a little bit like Alice in Wonderland in this outfit and this setting. I’ve also discovered that Lee doesn’t like sleeves that are gathered at the shoulders, he says it looks too old lady but I’ll be honest that’s a bit of a compliment to me! I think having these new glasses has made me feel a bit seventies and a bit like a grandma, which is reminding me of those 2006 (that year is a total guess, my concept of time is terrible) indie fashion vibes and I’m kind of digging it.

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