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The Birds and The Trees – Monochrome OOTD

The Birds and The Trees – Monochrome OOTD

monochrome outfit stratford upon avon

monochrome outfit stratford upon avon

monochrome outfit stratford upon avon

Oh look, another monochrome outfit. I feel like I should make a series. This was the day of our Stratford Upon Avon adventure and I’m definitely going to be repeating this outfit. I’ve had this shirt for a long time but always thought of it as a dressed up kind of top. But of course, pairing anything with jeans automatically adds a casual element and I feel like this was perfect for a day of wandering and browsing.

I felt rather like a lion prowling in the blossom bushes taking most of these photos. Apart from when I got stung by a stingy nettle. The things bloggers do for pretty photos!

These are also the same sandals that I’ve had for a few years but one of the straps snapped and glueing them didn’t work. They were my favourites though so I hung onto them and now I’m super glad I did because my mum told me to just cut the strap out from the other shoe too, et voila! I don’t love them quite as much as I did with the strap missing but it means I can wear them again so I’m pretty happy!

The inspiration for the rolled up jeans with sandals came from season two of Love. If you’ve seen this outfit post then you’ll know I love Mickey’s outfits in the show. I got a bit cold on this day so I’m looking forward to the warmer weather when I can do this more often!

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All photos were taken and edited by Marie Francesca.

monochrome outfit stratford upon avon monochrome outfit stratford upon avon monochrome outfit stratford upon avon monochrome outfit stratford upon avon monochrome outfit stratford upon avon monochrome outfit stratford upon avon

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